Friday, January 3, 2014

Boy's Axe - Reviving an Old Axe.

After the Ice Storm of 2013 we have a lot of branches and wood to clear.

It will be a long project.  As part of that I dug through my old tool and junk collection.  I found this neat little Boy's Axe.  It is a felling axe like a full size axe head, but is about 3/4 size, thin, and about 2.25lbs.

The handle is from a full size one that had broken.  It is bigger than a hatchet, smaller than a Hudson Bay axe, and with more cutting power!  It is a good companion for the crosscut saw and larger axes.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great size. I've been wanting one just like that to keep in my truck. The chainsaw is a tight fit, and the fumes get to me...
