Monday, February 3, 2014

Fun at the Hanford Mills Ice Harvest!

The boys and I had a great adventure trip on Saturday to the Handord Mills Museum in East Meridith NY.  It is a rare and wonderful kind of Historic site!

A real operating Sawmill, woodworking shop, and Grist Mill powered by a water wheel and turbine.  The little Catskill Mountain town of East Meridith wraps around the Mill complex, as the Hanford family's Mill, General Store, Post Office, and Railroad Siding were hub of business and industry in the little town for over a hundred years!

The Ice Harvest happens the first Saturday of February every year.  Over a thousand people come out to help cut ice on the pond and haul it to the icehouse.

 Locals, families, and older folks who grew up in the area all converge on the town for the event.  The Ice Harvest doubles the town's population for the day!  It is a rare kind of Museum event, in that it puts everyone to work!  People stand in line to cut ice, haul 50lb blocks on sleds, and help pack the ice in sawdust in the Ice House!

Loading blocks in the Ice House.  More than half full!

There were a beautiful team of draft horses pulling a Bobsled.  They took families for rides around the Millpond all day!  They did a good day's work!

I joined two Blacksmith friends to help demonstrate at the Blacksmith Shop.

We were one of the first places visitors stopped on their way in, and the last they visited on their way out!  It was a lot of fun meeting folks and Blacksmithing.  More about our Blacksmithing projects in the next post.

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